new site coming soon!!!
24/06/2011 13:12
I am now working on my new web site! For now you can visit my blog or you can go on my facebook fan page for news!!!
new drawings and paintings
03/10/2009 20:03———
3 new drawings :)
30/03/2009 17:28———
new drawing added!!!
27/03/2009 22:10———
new works!!!!!!
25/03/2009 13:14
I've added new illustrations, concept art, drawings and paintings, check the out!!!!
Also I've change my etsy store and I've add new paintings and drawings:
new portraits...
02/02/2009 12:29 the sketches section!! Check them out ;)
Concept art section added!!!
02/02/2009 12:25
Please, visit the new section about concept art! There you can find dravings that I made for chool (
new version on my portfolio!!!
01/02/2009 18:20
So...I've decide to use a pre-made it's easier to update it often than the previous one.